The ballots are in and the results to fill positions on the RUS New York Management Committee have been made final.
The organization’s Management Committee is made up of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and at least three directors. The positions are voted on annually generally at an annual meeting. However, because of inclement weather the organizational meeting had to be held via internet and it was decided it would be best to send out a ballot to all members of the group.
This practice may be used again in the future as it gained more votes than in the past. Eighteen people participated.
Michelle Miller has been voted back onto the committee to serve as president. She has been filling this lead position since she made efforts of establishing the group into a more formal non-profit in 2015 as the sport continued to grow. RUS NY has been in existence since 2014 but not as a formal organization.
Michelle Crawford has accepted vice president responsibilities. She has sat in this seat once before and should bring experience to the table. This was the only attested spot on the ballot, but all positions provided a chance for voters to fill in a write-in option. The runner up for the vice president seat was Hillary Hartnett who will be serving as a director.
Ashley Eldred and Hannah Miller have been elected to serve second terms as the organization’s secretary and treasurer. Those accepting director rolls on the committee include, Sophie Engerran, Jocelyn Gale, Heather Reese, Andrea Pratt and Hartnett. Directors commit to taking on at least one lead responsibility for the group and attending meetings either physically or via internet.
Duties of the those on the Management Committee shall be to:
- Provides leadership and strategic direction for the organization
- Ensures that an organization remains accountable to its donors and to the general public.
- Evaluate financial policies, approve annual budgets, and review periodic financial reports to ensure that the organization has the necessary resources to carry out its mission.
- To act as lesions to our members and represent their best interest when voting.
- Directors are expected to actively participate in organizational planning and decision-making and to make sound and informed judgments. When acting on behalf of the organization, directors must put the interests of the Group before any personal or professional concerns and avoid potential conflicts of interest.
Membership of RUS NY is open to any individual who supports the sport of Racing Under Saddle and is interested in helping the group to achieve its aim and willing to abide by the rules of the Group. Members do not need to be from New York but are encouraged to attend meetings, help fundraise and participate in discussions. Membership does not give the power to vote. The only time members get to vote is during the the Group’s Annual General Meeting to elect a Management Committee.
Benefits of membership:
- Networking opportunities and more racing opportunities
- Staying connected with what is going on - getting e-mails and updates (Members are responsible for keeping contact info up to date with the secretary)
- Members can sit on committees and help with proposals that will go in front of the Management Committee
Anybody interested in membership should email
RUS NY’s aim is to help organize and promote under saddle races for Standardbreds across the state. The main goal is to promote racing under saddle and the versatility of the Standardbred breed as both a racing and a riding horse - to help Standardbreds find great homes after they finish their days on the track.
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