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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Become A Member of RUS NY

RUS New York is becoming a success thanks to the growing efforts between members, riders, trainers, owners and fans. However, we are a small organization trying to get a lot accomplished. We need every person who has passion for the sport to succeed to be involved for it to continue to grow.

This is why we are reaching out. No matter how little one can contribute we would like every passionate person of the sport to be a member of our group. Members do not have to live in New York and can be anybody who wants to see the sport flourish.

As we work together, we can share ideas and thoughts with each other to make it even more successful. RUS New York hosts several meetings per year, fundraisers and community events to raise public awareness of this growing sport. Last year some of the events included:

Sip and Paint fundraisers
Gertrude Hawk Easter fundraiser
Generous Donations/Sponsorships
50/50 Raffles and Promotional Tables
Sweatshirt/T-shirt Sales
       •   Rider Meet-and-Greets
       •  In 2016 we were able to host 12 races during the fair series at 10 locations and a final. Exhibition races were also held at Saratoga, Tioga and Vernon.
These events, along with several others, were some of our biggest ambassadors in making our racing season successful. It allowed us as riders and members of RUS New York to continue doing what we love, and providing the public with awareness of this great sport and the standardbred breed.

We are planning many of the same kind of activities this year along with new and exciting ones. 

Why Be A Member:

By becoming a member of RUS New York, you can become an important part of helping to ensure that these plans become a reality. The biggest benefit is networking. You will be included in group emails to keep up to date on race schedules, upcoming meetings, press releases, fundraising and more. As a member you are entitled to voting rights during our annual meeting to elect a Management Committee. As an added incentive, we also sometimes offer discounts on merchandise.

Membership is completely free. All you have to do is keep your contact information current with our group. If you would like to learn more about the group, visit rus-newyork.com.

How to Become a Member:

Anybody interested in membership should email rusnewyorkseries@gmail.com or call Ashley Eldred at (315) 717-7455. Please include the following information:

Name: ________________
Email: ________________
Phone: ________________
And any other information you would like to include.

If you’d like any additional information about RUS New York, please feel free to contact:

Michelle Miller (RUS NY President)
(607) 643-8047

Once A Member There Are Many Ways You Can Help:
We are always looking for items to raffle to earn funds for our group. We can always use help gaining sponsorships. Please reach out to Jocelyn Gale for more details at  galestables@yahoo.com or (315) 250-7402. The group is always looking for new ways to educate people about the versatility of the Standardbred breed and would entertain any new ideas anyone might have. We can always use help with marketing materials such as brochures, fliers, blogging ect. If you have graphic, photo, video or writing experience please let us know. Just promoting our Facebook posts, website, fundraisers and online store on your own page helps more than one could know.

Get On Our Active Rider List:
We are also re-creating an active rider list on our website so if you would like to be included please us know. We categorize it by where riders are from so we will need the following information: Your Full Name, where you are located, email address and phone number. Basically the list is so trainers and owners can get ahold of riders in their area when looking for a mount for a horse.

Remember to keep your contact information current with our secretary because if your email changes we have no way keeping in touch. If you would like to learn more about the group, visit rus-newyork.com.

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