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Saturday, January 19, 2019

RUS NY Seeks Sponsors & Product

RUS New York highly relies on sponsorship funds to be a success. The organization is reaching out for support before the race season begins so that businesses and individuals get the most out of their buck. 

Where else can one get so much advertisement and promotion for so little money? The answer is nowhere. 

What you get for your buck:
  • For as little as $100 you will be provided advertisement on our website. 
  • For just $200 or more you will get mention in all promotions such as race programs. (There are generally 9 fair races with about 200 programs distributed at each) 
  • For $500 or more you will be provided everything above as well as a feature spot on our homepage. (we will link your website promotions to your website or Facebook page if provided)
If interested in sponsoring a specific race and being named on a cooler or having something special done, arrangements can be made. 

Become a part of the winning experience and sponsor a race by having your logo or business name printed on a cooler. You can present the cooler or we can have someone do it on your behalf. We Must have the sponsorship form 3 weeks before the date of the race.  For more information, contact Michelle Miller at mnmiller84@gmail.com or (607)643-8047. 
Price: $300 
$100 discount if you take advantage of our $500 group sponsorship opportunity. 

The goal is to have a sponsor for each race where the sponsor will be given the opportunity to be a part of the action by providing them with the chance to do a winner circle presentation. 

We realize that it is not always feasible to donate money and we welcome product donations that can be used for prizes or fundraising purposes. RUS NY also has a link, http://www.rus-newyork.com/sponsorship-fundraising.html,  where donations can be made via PayPal. 

The group is maximizing exposure by including all sponsors in all forms of promotion that we do for the season. The earlier you get on board, the more exposure you will receive

New this year: All sponsorships received by June will be placed on a display board that will be presented at RUS NY events. 

Visit http://www.rus-newyork.com/become-a-sponsor.html for more information and to download a sponsorship form. Please feel free to contact RUS NY Sponsorship Director, Cathy Gearwar, at fourgears@shoreham.net or by phone at (802) 537-2145 with any questions and to discuss what we can do for you. We are willing to promote events, sales and other happenings and news for our sponsors. The goal is to reach as many people as we can. 
RUS NY was formed in early 2014 in response to the growing interest in the unique sport of racing under saddle. RUS, also known as Monté racing internationally, is a hybrid between harness racing and thoroughbred racing. The non-profit organization was created to help organize and promote under saddle races for Standardbreds across the state of New York including fairs. Our group promotes the Standardbred breed as a riding and sport horse, beyond just the sport of racing. One of our goals is to show people how versatile the horses are and hope that will help rehome them once their racing careers are done. Visit our website at rus-newyork.com and be sure to follow us on social media (see links below).

Facebook: facebook.com/RUSNYSeries

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RUS_NewYork

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