Going into the new year, RUS New York plans to focus on recruiting new participants and start back up from its roots as it was difficult to get enough officers to stay in existence.
Cathy Gearwar, who has been a part of the organization for two years, will take on the lead role of president giving Michelle Miller some time off from the duties. Gearwar will remain the sponsorship director and help with website and Facebook postings. Miller will be staying on as an officer, accepting the position as treasurer and helping with fair planning, marketing and promoting the versatility of the breed.
David Fisher will begin his second year as vice president providing guidance as a non-rider and someone who has worked in the standardbred industry for more than 35 years, including experience as a race judge.
Kara Duh will remain the secretary of the organization. Also in her second year, she will continue to be the director of membership.
Officers and directors were voted on at the December meeting. Directors will be Hillary Hartnett and two more non-riders, Hannah Miller and Russell Hoagland. Hannah Miller will serve as entry clerk like in year’s past unless otherwise noted.
Gearwar said with a lack of rider participation in 2019 the goal will be to still offer a fair series, but to cut back on the number of fairs in hopes of offering fuller fields for more exciting racing. This will be decided based on miles being driven by committed riders, not having more than one race a week and funding.
At the last meeting, according to Michelle Miller, members agreed to make sure every horse will get at least $100 in purse money to participate to help cover travel costs and perhaps encourage participation as long as the funding is available. The rest of the purse funds would be distributed based on where the horse places like in the past, she said, noting this would require larger purses.
The hope is to be able to offer another rider challenge, but it will not be able to be as grand as last year’s, she said, adding more information will be provided once funding is secured.
“We have parimutual tracks on board that are willing to host races, but we need to know we can fill fields before putting the cart before the horse,” Gearwar said. “We really need new blood to be successful. And not just to ride, but to get involved as members, be active in the group’s fundraising and meetings so things can run smoothly.”
Pacers are now allowed to race under saddle and will be allowed to participate in the fair series.
“With the addition of pacers the possibility of more than one race held at a given fair or track increases,” Gearwar said. “Hopefully this addition will make it easier for riders to get mounts and increase participation and interest in the sport as there are more pacers on the tracks and they can generally be purchased for less money than trotters.”
RUS New York is required to have seven members on its Management Committee.
Duties of the those on the Management Committee shall be to:
- Provide leadership and strategic direction for the organization.
- Ensure that an organization remains accountable to its donors and to the general public.
- Evaluate financial policies, approve annual budgets, and review periodic financial reports to ensure that the organization has the necessary resources to carry out its mission.
- To act as lesions to our members and represent their best interest when voting.
Directors are expected to actively participate in organizational planning and decision-making and to make sound and informed judgments. When acting on behalf of the organization, directors must put the interests of the Group before any personal or professional concerns and avoid potential conflicts of interest.
An information group has been made on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/rusny1/ for networking and getting important notifications to those wanting to race. For more information on the organization including race dates and more, visit rus-newyork.com.
RUSNY needs more rider involvement to succeed and grow. If you are interested contact Gearwar at 802-537-2145 or email rusnewyorkseries@gmail.com.